Cadastral Surveys
Cadastral surveying is the discipline of land surveying that relates to the definition or re-establishment of land parcel boundaries.
Cadastral surveying involves interpreting and advising on:
- boundary locations
- the status of land, and
- the rights, restrictions, and interests in property
This information is recorded for use on plans, maps, and other documentation. Accurately recording the information is an important part of the cadastral surveying discipline.
Types of Cadastral Surveys:
House setout
Detail Survey
Plan of Subdivision
Plan of Re-Definition
Plan of Consolidation
Strata Plan
Easement Plan
Lease Area Surveys
Civil Construction Surveys
New Way Surveying offers a comprehensive range of surveying services tailored specifically to the needs of civil construction projects. These services encompass precise measurements and data collection for a variety of purposes, including site planning, design, and construction management. New Way Surveying’s team of experienced professionals utilizes cutting-edge technology and equipment to deliver accurate and reliable results. Their civil construction surveying services include topographic surveys, boundary surveys, construction staking, utility location, and as-built surveys, among others. Whether you’re working on a large infrastructure project or a smaller development, New Way Surveying can assist in ensuring that your construction project proceeds smoothly and on schedule.
Engineering Surveys
New Way Surveying offers specialised surveying services aimed at supporting engineering projects across various industries. These services are designed to provide engineers with precise data and information critical for the design, analysis, and management of their projects. New Way Surveying’s engineering survey services include topographic and site surveys, 3D modeling and visualization, contour mapping, subsurface utility mapping (SUE), and construction layout and verification. With a commitment to precision and accuracy, New Way Surveying’s engineering surveys assist engineers in making informed decisions throughout the planning and construction phases, ultimately contributing to the success and efficiency of their engineering endeavors.